'Today the devs put out the November Developers update. It included an update on the dedicated servers progress, some Spirit changes, a description of how future events will be handled, the new Archives levels release schedule (Tome I: Level 3 – November 27th & Tome I: Level 4 – December 18th) and this amazing news that everyone on all platforms will be getting these ultra rare exclusive cosmetics for free! EXCLUSIVE COSMETICS Alongside the launch of Chapter 14, we’ll be granting everyone the following cosmetics: Chuckles (Trapper – Ultra Rare Mask) Dweard (Dwight – Ultra Rare Head) Sharp Mustache Jake (Jake – Ultra Rare Head) Studded Jacket (Jake – Ultra Rare Body) Retro Windbreaker (Claudette – Ultra Rare Body) Claudette’s Weekend Shirt (Claudette – Ultra Rare Body) Purple Cords (Claudette – Ultra Rare Legs) Leather Hoodie (Meg – Ultra Rare Body) Retro Sneakers (Meg – Ultra Rare Legs) The BIG Hat (Ace – Ultra Rare Head) The TPGS Hat (Ace – Ultra Rare Head) Lazer Bears Victory Polo (Feng Min – Ultra Rare Body) Lazer Victory Shorts (Feng Min – Ultra Rare Pants) Donkey Jacket (David King – Ultra Rare Body) Hound (The Huntress – Event Mask) Untamed Donkey Jacket (David King – Event Body) Pro-Pain Hammer (The Hillbilly – Event Weapon) Free Song Bird Slip Dress (Kate Denson – Event Body) For in depth analysis of the Spirit changes go over to The King\'s channel for his video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qdv9RelavNs Here\'s the forums blog post of the November developers update: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/103996/developer-update-november-2019#latest Also the Nintendo Switch got the new patch today! Here\'s the forums post about that: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/104223/patch-notes-3-3-2-mid-chapter-hotfix/p1?new=1 Here\'s the wiki link to the list of exclusive cosmetics: https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/Downloadable_Content Thanks for watching! What\'s that symbol in the corner? That\'s my \"Fog Whisperer\" icon. What is a Fog Whisperer? A Fog Whisperer is a person who engages the DBD community by creating compelling and absorbing content to a high standard. Who are the 50 Fog Whisperers that may be putting on tournaments of their own? Here\'s the list of the 50 Fog Whisperers with links to their channels in this forums post: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/49385/fog-whisperers-program-launch If you\'d like to support the channel you can click join on the page on the link below for access to the special Esther emotes: https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/UCZ52BHUeoAGmWzGf65ULSKw You can use my monthly referral link on Humble Bundle to get a ton of games every month for a fraction of the cost. Using my link helps support the channel: https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?partner=paulieesther Beautiful matte painting of the Upside Down created by Didier Konings on ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/AGX8e If you enjoyed this video, please consider giving us a like and a subscribe. And ring that notification bell like a Wraith to get up the minute alerts when I post new videos! :) Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/PaulieEsther1 Follow me on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/paulieesther'
Tags: new , update , cosmetics , dead by daylight , leaks , gaming , weekend , games , map , skins , twitch , gold , spoilers , let's play , dlc , min , patch , perks , Paulie Esther , paulieesther , speculation , brazil , Golden , easter egg , feng , science fair , dweard , chuckles , claudette , Chapter 14 , ultra rare , 3.3.2 , street meg
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